Monday, October 21, 2019

Online Learning Essay essays

Online Learning Essay essays Current statistics in the education marketplace show that a number of shifts are occurring. The president's "No Child will be Left Behind" act has demanded that schools raise their academic success rates, and lower the measured illiteracy and drop out rates in schools by the year 2005. Concurrently the thrust in the classroom is to integrate technology, including networked computers, scanners, digital cameras in order to teach student additional skills, over and above the traditional three "R's." This is creating a demand on the educational system to recover from poor performance, and increase the subject matter which is being taught at the As a result, the teachers are being called upon to: Change their teaching style, to integrate technology Change their teaching materials, to include new subject matter Radically alter their perception of the educational culture from that of a dissemination of information to a learning community. Teachers are already under-paid for their efforts, and often spend personal evening time doing school related work. In order to facilitate these changes, the teachers are facing an additional demand on their time for Professional Teacher Development (PTD) which is typically held after school, in on off-site location. Many teachers do not desire to attend PTD sessions, because the needs of the seminar group are so varied. Some teachers need remediation on computer and digital technology. Some understand these subjects, and need help addressing the learning culture in their classroom, and school. Administrators, who have included new materials in the PTD sessions, have not changed their delivery methods and thus the sessions can often be dull, slow moving expenditures of the teachers' time for which they receive little positive take away value. ...

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